Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit

Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit will open the festival tomorrow, May 9th, at Musikinstrumenten-Museum.

Phill Niblock

Born in Indiana in 1933, Phill Niblock is an intermedia artist using music, film, photography, video and computers. Since 1985, he has been the director of Experimental Intermedia Foundation in New York, which extended to Ghent, Belgium in 1993.

He makes thick, loud drones of music, filled with microtones of instrumental timbres, which generate many other tones in the performance space. Simultaneously, he presents films / videos which look at the movement of people working, or computer driven black and white abstract images floating through time.

At Emitter Micro 2013, he will be performing the piece Music and Images (from the Movement of People Working films).

Thomas Ankersmit

Born 1979, in Leiden, The Netherlands, Thomas Ankersmit is a musician and installation artist based in Berlin and Amsterdam. He makes live electroacoustic music with analogue and digital electronics, as well as alto saxophone.

Since 2006 his main instrument, both live and in the studio, has been the Serge analogue modular synthesizer.  His work with analogue synthesizers is characterized by a gentle abuse of the equipment, using feedback and disturbances to the signal flow to create dense but finely detailed swarms of electronic sound.

He will be performing a solo set of circa 30 minutes with Serge analogue modular synthesizer and/or computer.