TAPEDANCES (Rinus van Alebeek + Barbara Lazara duo)

sounds of body, space & voice for magnetic tapes



Rinus van Alebeek (1956, Heerlen, The Netherlands) is a writer who uses his (environmental) recordings on tape to narrate a story. During the nineties he published two books (pseud. Philip Markus) in his native country.  The first novel (De Weg naar Oude God) won the prestigious Geert Jan Lubberhuizen Prijs, a yearly award for the best first novel.

An accidental encounter with electronic and avant garde music in the year 2000 at the Lem festival in Barcelona, and an introduction to the cassette culture gave way to his further artistic development. In the first decade of this century van Alebeek made a thorough research on how to make or manipulate recordings. Thanks to a great number of concerts, sometimes an average of ten in a month, he developed an approach of which people say it is ‘ between noise and pure poetry.’ 

‘Rinus Van Alebeek is a peculiar observer of reality and an artist who instinctively transforms lo-fi tape recordings into evocative sound poems, being able to create a “détachement” towards the used media, which is a characteristic of the most original artists.’ (Luis Costa, president of Binaural and Associação Cultural de Nodar)

More about Rinus van Alebeek on rinusvanalebeek.wordpress.com


Barbara Lazara is a performer/voice artist based in Mexico City. She has been working on the relation between body, voice and space, using choreography, microphones and natural corporeal resonances.

With her solo project ‘Aurora Yaqui’, she uses voice loops and the acoustic characteristics of the space to create drones, natural overtones aswell as audio feedback, playing with different voice forms and amplification. Lázara has been giving solo performances and workshops in Mexico and often performing Europe in collaboration with theatre artists and choreographers. Her works have been released by Staalplaat (GER), Volta (MEX), and broadcast on Antenas Intervenciones (ECUADOR).