
Seiji Morimoto – Short Summer – out now!

SHORT SUMMER – Seiji Morimoto   release page A characteristic resonance investigation, which is generated between the vibrating objects (buzzer: 400Hz) and different materials. TRACKLIST: 1. WOODEN BOX (20’00”) 2. TIN CAN (20’00”) 3. PLASTIC TRAY  (20’00”) EM005 Recorded and mastered by KRIS LIMBACH at emitter19 studio, Berlin June 2011 Design: MICOL…

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TRANS E MISSIONS// liebig12, 01.03.2014

TRANS E MISSIONS (DREI DUOS) 01.03.2014 7pm A trans- sonic & trans- geographic event, shaped by de – interlacing performances of paired artists such as: SEIJI MORIMOTO & MAKOTO OSHIRO – self electronics seiji morimoto tokyo 1971, musicology kunitachi college of music, electronic pieces john cage sound performances, installations,videos. 2003berlin,international festivals uncertain…

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Louis Laurain performing solo at Emitter Micro

Lives and works in Paris, his work is focused principally on two topics. Firstly an acoustic approach to the instrument through different collaborations in the field of improvised music and free-jazz (Die Hochstapler, Actuum). Secondly, work on the amplification of instruments (“close miking”) with the aim of creating the illusion…

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TAPEDANCES (Rinus van Alebeek + Barbara Lazara duo)

sounds of body, space & voice for magnetic tapes   RINUS VAN ALEBEEK  Rinus van Alebeek (1956, Heerlen, The Netherlands) is a writer who uses his (environmental) recordings on tape to narrate a story. During the nineties he published two books (pseud. Philip Markus) in his native country.  The first…

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Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit

Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit will open the festival tomorrow, May 9th, at Musikinstrumenten-Museum. Phill Niblock Born in Indiana in 1933, Phill Niblock is an intermedia artist using music, film, photography, video and computers. Since 1985, he has been the director of Experimental Intermedia Foundation in New York, which extended…

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